Smart QR has already established a stable merchant pool of 1,00,000+ Merchants throughout the nation within the short period since its launch, with the numbers increasing exponentially over recent times.

As of current, the Smart QR network has the following members and counting more additions

  • Global IME Bank Ltd.
  • NIC Asia Bank Ltd.
  • Prabhu Pay
  • IME Pay
  • UnionPay
  • NamastePay
  • SajiloPay
  • mDabali
  • iCash
  • Moru

Smart QR has helped take digitalization to new heights by transforming the digital payment landscape for both consumers and merchants. With feature-rich enhanced technology embedded for maximum security and reliability, Smart QR offers the following features and functionalities. Smart QR merchants can also accept digital payments with the Khalti, Qpay, and First Pay customers, and vice versa with the help of an interoperable network.