The Card services offered by SCT remains its legacy business through having experience of over 20 years managing card issuance, card management, personalization, terminal management, transaction acquiring and interconnecting different payment associations in the nation. SCT had previously integrated almost all banks into its proprietary domestic card scheme under the same name. Recently SCT has entered strategic alliance with Union Pay International for acquiring and issuance of SCT-UPI co-badge debit and prepaid cards for BFIs in the country. The Card services include the following facilities.

  • Issuance and Personalization of SCT-UPI Debit, Prepaid and Credit with both Chip and Contactless associated with co-branding Card Scheme (SCT, UnionPay) which are accessible to different channels like ATM, POS and Ecommerce in Nepal and India.
  • Acquiring of Domestic and International Scheme (UnionPay, VISA, MasterCard, Discovers, JCB) through ATM, POS, eCommerce channels.
  • Platform to manage and monitor ATM, POS and eCommerce gateway for Banks and Financial Institutions.
  • Accepted in all Network ( Neps, NPN)

The following banks and financial institutions are currently Issuing SCT UPI Cards to their customers and taking advantage of our card services.

Commercial Banks

  • Global IME Bank Ltd
  • Prabhu Bank Ltd
  • Himalayan Bank Ltd
  • Everest Bank Ltd

Development Banks

  • Kanchan Development Bank Ltd
  • Green Development Bank Ltd
  • Karnali Development Bank Ltd
  • Sindhu Bikash Bank Limited

Finance Companies

  • ICFC Finance Limited
  • Nepal Finance Company Limited
  • Best Finance Company Limited
  • Srijana Finance Ltd
  • Pokhara Finance Ltd
  • Reliance Finance Ltd
  • Gurkhas Finance Ltd
  • Goodwill Finance Ltd
  • Central Finance
  • Progressive Finance Ltd
  • Manjushree Financial Intuition Ltd
  • Guheswori Merchant Banking & Finance Ltd
  • Samriddhi Finance Company Ltd

100+ Co-operatives